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Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

Updated: Nov 22

a moment lost

life taken

world of pain

heart broken


the blink of an eye as a moment passes

a missed decision

fear holding us back from a new way forward

an assumption that there is forever ahead of us

naivety that today is the first day of so many more


life is a labyrinth as we weave our way through an unknown path

no sense of what went before, no hint of what lies ahead

rather, an uncertain step forward, trusting, willing our way to safety, love, forever

because we have ‘in a minute’, ‘this afternoon’, ‘tomorrow’, ‘next year’, ‘when I have more time’

'another moment'


how would it be if we simply had now

what would change if our next tentative step trod firmly in a direction of intent

ambition, fulfilment of dreams, embracing all that is

living, loving with every depth of our being

flying freely, wings outstretched, soaring high, limitless


a life without regrets


a life filled with the richness of being…here…fully present

Leigh Donovan, 20 July 2024, somewhere

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