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Awe as a sanctuary

Awe arrives in fragments

The lush green of wild grass

Ochre tones of ancient soil

Mixed a little with sacred turquoise drops

Water, the essence of life.

The thrill of a rainbow, multi-coloured, vibrant

Promising hope at the gilded edge

Heaving gusts urging the sails toward a never land, yet to be explored, yet somehow familiar.


Awe may cure the weary heart

Her hand outstretched with love

Pulsating, beckoning the weighty being

That stands afore her




Yearning to sink below where the darkness enfolds the wretched, the dead.

Effortlessly, awe creates a sanctuary where tendrils of vine wrap lovingly around brokenness

I’m here

Holding you

We are one



Awe conveys an image beyond pain and misery

She scatters her vibrant colours as the day begins and closes

As humanity gathers transfixed in her glory, the ease with which she becomes a creator

An endless talent where a circadian rhythm provides a grounding

For all glowing in her wake

She beckons bird call awaking from slumber

She fuels their homage each eve.


Awe has no shape, nor form.

She enters the souls of each

In some personalized way

Carving a route for the weary

The hopeless

The bitter and forlorn.

She is priceless

Fuelled by compassion

Her energy profound, buoyant

Alive and vigorous

Her love unending

A deeply ignited connection that extends beyond the test of time.

Leigh Donovan, 29 August 2024, Corinda, Queensland

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